Thursday, September 27, 2007

Why I Love Ballet Shoes

Ballet shoes

My daughter just began ballet lessons. She told me, on her fourth birthday, that she wanted to be a ballerina when she grew up. Nothing thrilled me more than knowing that I had a true little girl. She wanted nothing to do with being a tomboy. I put her into some creative dance classes that they recommended before actually going into ballet. Her instructors told me after the first year, that they thought she would be perfect for beginner ballet lessons. I was even happier than she was.

We rushed out to buy the outfits that she would need for classes. She looked absolutely darling in her tights and tiny tutu. I was taking pictures every few seconds. Then, came the moment when we had to find ballet shoes. The salesperson was very helpful but my daughter didn't like the way that the ballet shoes felt on her feet. I explained to her that ballet shoes were supposed to feel like that and if she wanted to take the class, she needed to get them. She pouted for a few moments and then agreed. We left the store, ballet shoes in tow.

Her first class was a week later. She was all decked out elegantly in her new outfit but refused to put the ballet shoes on. After pleading with her for 15 minutes, I told her she could wear sandals and put her ballet shoes on when we arrived. She packed them in her bag but told me that she would be dancing in her sandals. I sighed and thought that I'd leave the drama to her teacher. We arrived and all of the other girls in her class were running around happily in their outfits with their ballet shoes on. My daughter removed her sandals but was content to walk around barefoot. I whispered the issue to the teacher, who agreed to deal with it. She approached my daughter, whispered something, and before I knew it, the ballet shoes were on her feet. Amazed, I left the room.

She's now in high school and we've gone through many pairs of ballet shoes. She has definitely continued to chase her dream of wanting to be a ballerina and she's off to a tremendous start. My heart soars proudly whenever I see her carrying those pink ballet shoes to class. I can't even tell you how many of my paychecks have been spent on buying outfits and ballet shoes. I can tell you that I have never once complained about a single moment of it. It has been worth every penny. I still have that first pair of tiny ballet shoes that were purchased and almost not worn. They are sitting on my dresser, next to her first picture in a ballet recital. How I love those ballet shoes.

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